Rhode Island College
Student Leadership Awards

Nomination Deadline: Friday April 8, 2022
2021 Winners
In an effort to acknowledge the outstanding contributions of Rhode Island College students to improving the lives of others and making a positive impact on society, Student Activities has initiated the Student Leadership Awards program.  Our students serve others in a variety of capacities through their time working at jobs and internships, providing assistance to friends and family members, volunteering with community service organizations, and participating in campus involvement programs.  Their many contributions embody the mission of the College to promote civic engagement and public service, which leads to the enrichment of the entire community.
This award ceremony is intended to recognize students of Rhode Island College who have demonstrated leadership potential both on and off campus.  Student Activities has the privilege of honoring exceptional students for their impact as leaders within our College, state, and global communities.  These awards celebrate students who display good character, respect, dignity, inclusiveness, professionalism, and compassion.

Alan J. Chille Leadership Excellence Award
Presented to graduating seniors who exemplify what it means to be a student leader on campus.  These students are in good academic standing and demonstrate the following qualities:
Positive impact through involvement with student life and campus programs
Ability to work with and lead others
Positive relationships with and respect from co-workers, peers, faculty, staff, and administrators
Successful collaboration with others in a team environment
Outstanding leadership characteristics including enthusiasm, self-reliance, problem solving, effective management and organizational skills, courage, honesty, credibility, and ability to inspire others
This award is named in honor of Rhode Island College alumnus Alan Chille.  While at Rhode Island College, Alan managed the Rathskeller College Pub, worked at the Bookstore, and was a leader of Programming.  Alan is currently the General Manager of the Providence Performing Arts Center and is a 2011 Rhode Island College Alumni Award recipient.
Vital Contribution to
Presented to students who have shown that a community can be transformed through leadership and involvement.  These students are in good academic standing and demonstrate the following qualities:
Positive impact through on or off campus employment or internships, family commitments, volunteer activities, or other programs
Strong commitment to improving the lives of others
Passion for necessary change
Understanding of the concepts of community building, civic engagement, and public service
Positive relationships with and gained respect from members of the community
Empathy, compassion, and sincerity in all of their endeavors
Campus Spirit
Presented to students who take pride in and embody the spirit of Rhode Island College and have inspired others to become engaged in the College and its mission.  These students are in good academic standing and demonstrate the following qualities:
Support for Rhode Island College programs including major events, as well as club, organization, and sporting events
Respect and appreciate the College's mission
Passion for necessary change
Enthusiasm toward the College and is devoted to the quality of life at RIC
Leadership by serving as a role model for their peers
Pride in the campus community
Rising Star
Presented to students who have shown great leadership potential.  Although their leadership journey is in the beginning stages, they have gone above and beyond their assigned responsibilities.  These students are in good academic standing and demonstrate the following qualities:
Hardworking in a behind-the-scenes or support capacity to help an organization or group to thrive
Respected and valued by members of the organization or group
Ability to undertake a larger leadership role in the future
Student Employment Award
Presented to undergraduate students employed by a campus office or department who show dedication, professionalism, and leadership skills.  These students are in good academic standing and demonstrate the following qualities:
Serve as role models for other student employees
Consistently exceed expectations
Have a mature work ethic, are always on time (or early!), and take the initiative to identify necessary tasks
Regarded as a friendly professional who always asks "what else can I do?"
Play a vital contributing role in the work environment
Outstanding Graduate Leadership
Presented to graduate students who display a high level of professionalism, capacity to build community, passion, and integrity.  These students are in good academic standing and demonstrate the following qualities:
Regarded as leaders in the cohort, department, or community of practice
Regularly go above and beyond academic responsibilities
Positive relationships with and respect from co-workers, peers, faculty, staff, and administrators
Successful collaboration with others in a team environment
Outstanding leadership characteristics including enthusiasm, self-reliance, problem solving, effective management and organizational skills, courage, honesty, credibility, and ability to inspire others
On the path to becoming highly respected professionals in their field
Organization Award
Organization Outreach
Presented to student organizations that have formed successful partnerships with local, national, or international organizations in an effort to make a positive impact on society.  These organizations are in good standing with Student Community Government, Inc. and Student Activities, and demonstrate the following qualities:
Adherence to and promotion of their organizations' mission and values
Positive relationships with and respect from partnership organizations
Concerted effort to understand and address the specific needs of the community in a respectful, compassionate manner
Understanding of the concepts of community building, civic engagement, and public service
Ambassadorship of Rhode Island College and adherence to its mission
Past Winners
Alan J. Chille Leadership Excellence
2021 Tiana Dickenson
2020 Sarah French 
2019 Leandro Alvarez 
2018 Leidy James 
2017 Cedar Hayes 
2016 William Poole 
2015 Christopher Higgins 
2014 Maggie Keach 
2013 Brittany Richer 
2012 Mariama Kurbally 
2011 Laura Kostenblatt 
2010 Rui Montilla 
2009 Leeann Schmitt 
Vital Contribution to the Community
2021 Sage Mueller
2020 Madeleine LeBlanc 
2019 Anthony Maselli & Raquel Montero 
2018 Roxxanne Newman 
2017 Javier Juarez 
2016 James Kane 
2015 Andrea Martin 
2014 Holly Cekala
2013 Kameko Branchaud
2012 Arthur Parise Jr.
2011 Jeremy Ogunba
2010 Wesley Cruz
2009 Dee Tavolaro
Campus Spirit
2021 Matthew Thureson
2020 Mileiry De La Cruz
2019 Claudius Cooper & Derek Sherlock
2018 Colton McAdams
2017 Jose Rosario
2016 Nakita Guerrouxo
2015 Rob Santurri
2014 Julien Goldstick
2013 William Poole
2012 Jesus Mendoza
2011 Aaron Buckley
2010 David Benevides
2009 Brittney Richer
Rising Star
2021 Valentina Gomez
2020 Jayleen Salcedo
2019 Night Jean Muhingabo
2018 Emelia Orellana
2017 Sarah French 
2016 Colton McAdams
2015 Essence Harrison
2014 Joseph Sherry
2013 Meagan Lasorsa
2012 Gerard "Gino" Tetreault
2011 Jose Rodriguez-Mendez
2010 Kyla Pecchia 
Outstanding Student Employee
2021 Maria Gaskill
2020 Luisa Alvarado Garcia
2019 Ian Beganski
2018 Michael Caine
2017 Derrik Trombley
2016 Marisa Avila
2015 Kavy Thammavongsa
2014 Maggie Keach
2013 Erica Tortoliani
2012 Megan Radka
2011 Nicole Lamantia 
Outstanding Graduate Leadership
2021 Roxxanne Newman
2020 Jennifer Ricci and Suzy Barelos Winchester
2019 Kristyn Furtado
2018 Eva Dayon
2017 Carla Sánchez
2016 Rachael Ficke Clemens
2015 Joceylyne de Gouvenain
2014 Sandra Burnock
2013 Chris Susi
2012 Michelle Valletta
2011 Brittany Nicolaides
2010 Mary Jean Croft
Organization Outreach
2021 Harambee
2020 Student Nurse Association
2019 G.A.M.E.R.
2018 Student Nurses Association
2017 Delta Phi Epsilon
2016 Sojourn
2015 Active Minds
2014 Student Nurses Association
2013 Latin American Student Organization (LASO)
2012 Resident Student Association
2011 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
2010 Middle School Association
2009 Resident Student Association

RIC Harambee received the Organization Outreach Award for forming successful partnerships with local, national or international organizations in an effort to make a positive impact on society.